
Before the collapse of the ancient world, humanity was on the verge of a golden age. Widespread acceptance of a global decentralized currency, Bitcoin, inspired hope for a payment network ruled by the people.

The utility of traditional currency steadily declined until the world was run by Bitcoin. Unease began to spread among the leaders of nations. They lost control of one of the most important assets of governance: currency.

“To take freedom without resistance is done simply without them knowing”

A cyberattack against Bitcoin in 2071 by a rogue nation left the blockchain paralyzed. Fear quickly set in as substantial holdings of Bitcoin were hastily liquidated. A true shockwave that temporarily crippled a global economy.

A security patch for Bitcoin Core was released and version 54.20 went live. The network was stabilized and the world began to slowly recover. However, angst and doubt troubled the minds of the masses, and faith in Bitcoin continued to waver. Decisive action was required.

The United Nations was quick to draft an economic and financial proposal that would establish a centralized entity, The United Cryptocurrency Administration (UCA). They were empowered to govern Bitcoin (BTC) with a promise to protect the world economy from such a catastrophic event ever happening again.

A unanimous vote passed the proposal in 2072, sole control of the Bitcoin network was granted to the UCA

The world was once again at ease, and fear subsided.

The UCA promptly altered Bitcoin Core to process transactions through their centralized network before being added to the blockchain. Next they inflated the total supply of BTC. A large sum was immediately transferred to an account controlled by the UCA, which was allegedly for operational costs. Mining rewards were reinstated and selectively distributed to Bitcoin miners approved by the UCA.

One by one Bitcoin miners were forced to run the UCA fork of Bitcoin Core. Across all countries it became illegal to run "unsafe" versions of Bitcoin Core, which was eventually labeled as Satoshi's legacy. Attempts to resist were made by strong supporters of decentralization, The Defuse Group. They were ignored and labeled as extremists. It was too late. The world had decided it was safer with UCA's protection over Bitcoin.

The Defuse Group was not seen again for nearly a decade.

In the following years, UCA transformed into a collective authoritarian agency. Nations began to secretly invest their wealth into the UCA in exchange for economic pressure to further their political gain. With Bitcoin as their weapon, the association commenced further expansion. They rapidly acquired the allegiance of numerous nations by utilizing BTC in their reserves, promising a better future for their citizens, and large buyouts of government entities. One by one they merged into what UCA labeled as The Nations of Crypto.

"The swarm is headed towards us"Satoshi Nakamoto

